For this first installment of Tuesday’s Tales of the Teenage Years, I thought I would start with an embarrassing moment that everyone can relate to — the first date.
My first date really tops the charts of embarrassment. I was 13 years old and while I had gone to the movies in groups and went to parties, this was going to be my first actual alone, guy pays for everything type of date. And he was older than me — 17. Great, right?
Well the first sign that the night might not go off as planned was that I woke up feeling sick. Not a cold, but like nauseated, stomach not feeling right, type of sick. But I was nothing if not determined. I would go on that date. I talked to the guy on the phone and he was sweet and concerned but I told him the same thing–nothing was going to keep me from going to the movies with him.
The next bad sign came when we went to pick him up. One of the reasons my parents allowed me to date someone so much older, besides the fact that he was in our church group, was that he didn’t drive yet. So my mom and I picked him up in our mini-van and he came to sit with me in the back. He then proceeded to inform us that he had forgotten to put on his cologne, and pulled out his bottle of Polo. Now, up until this point, I had always thought this particular cologne smelled very good. And I think in small doses, it still does, but small doses was not what I was given. He uncapped the bottle and began to DOUSE himself in said cologne. Let me quickly say here how sweet this guy was and still is, for the record, but this was not his brightest moment. My mom discreetly opened the vents in the back, as the smell wafted towards the front. My stomach turned for the first time.
We made it back to my house and hung out for a bit, sitting close together on my sofa. Breathing in very very strong cologne on an already weak stomach. I have a picture from that sofa and my face was ghostly pale, even for me, which is saying something since I am Casper the friendly ghost already.
Not long after, we got up to walk to the movie. We were going to the dollar show which was right around the corner and one of my favorite things to do was to walk there, which is what we did. I think I only stopped once, but it may have been twice, as my stomach continued to turn. He asked in concern if I was sure I wanted to go, but again, I was determined for this to go well.
Have you figured out yet what happens???
When we got to the theatre, we sat in the back. We were watching Look Who’s Talking, Too. Yes, I am that old — or that young, depending on your point of view. Anyhoo, sitting in an enclosed space like that, breathing in the cologne, my stomach got worse. I tried leaning away but the sweetheart thought I was playing some type of cat and mouse hard to get move, so he leaned in. I leaned further away, he leaned closer in. In my memory, I feel as though I was practically falling into the other seat but I am sure it wasn’t that obvious, but then it happened. I couldn’t take it anymore. I got up and told him in a frantic voice that I would be right back. I made it out to the trashcan right outside the movie door when I lost it. Threw up, complete with dry heaving for a few moments….
But that isn’t even the best part!!!
The theatre next to ours let out RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT! I will never forget hearing the little kid’s voice asking, “Mommy, is that girl okay??” Oh, the mortification!
My date followed shortly, and again let me say how wonderful he was. Total sweetheart and understanding, didn’t react like any guy would ever react, or even how I would in that situation. He even wanted to go out again!!
Yes, I have had countless wonderful dates but they will never be able to wipe away the fond memories of the first.
How about you? Any fun first date memories to share???