WIP Wednesday: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

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If you follow my Twitter and Facebook updates, this week I wrote about a breakup scene.  It was sad and depressing and I couldn’t help getting sad and depressed along with my character. 

When I’m writing–or reading for that matter–it’s hard not to get inside my characters minds, and feel and experience everything along with them.  Luckily happy times are still to come–although it does take away my extra excuse for depressed-induced chocolate cravings!

Onto this week’s stats:

Current Word Count: 33,245! I took the girls to a birthday party at the park yesterday and wasn’t able to write this weekend, so I am happy with the amount I’ve accomplished.  And was pleasantly surprised to find several scenes better when I reread them the next day!

Little Hints: Karaoke.  I would LOVE it if you leave a comment posting your favorite Karaoke songs.  My favorite to perform was always Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.  Did that one several times, always very badly. 

Soundtrack Song of the Week: When You’re Gone by Avril Lavigne.  Sad song that totally fits my character’s emotions at this stage of the MS.   (As always, email subscribers click through on the link to watch it on my blog since it doesn’t want to include itself in emails, grr)

Writing or Editing Trick Used This Week That Worked Particularly Well:
Being true to what seems authentic, and putting aside my expectations.  In past weeks when I was writing from my guy’s point of view, I cursed a couple times.  But they were “light” curses.  I totally went into this whole writing thing assuming I wouldn’t curse much because while I don’t mind reading books where characters do, I didn’t feel it was always necessary.  I don’t really curse in real life and I think it’s possible to get your point across without doing so. 

BUT, this week, I wrote a scene where my male character was angry.  Having him say he “messed things up” just Did.Not.Work.  I felt fake writing it, felt like I was holding back the story.  Eventually, I tried putting in the curse word, squinting as I typed it in with my jaw clenched.  And when I reread it, it felt honest.  Real.  I guess that’s the whole point, right? 
Personal High: Really feeling like I am getting into a rhythm in the writing.  Understanding my character’s motivations better than ever, seeing the pictures in my head and describing them better.  Also filling the inspirational tank with more great reading.  Yesterday I bought and read Crescendo (the sequel to Hush, Hush) by Becca Fitzpatrick and this past week I read Far from You by Lisa Schroeder (I am totally going to review this book soon–her novels in verse are filled with such powerful images and word pictures) and a few fun Gossip Girl novels.

Personal Low: Not to sound like a broken record, but probably my biggest disappointment was not getting as much writing in as I would have liked.   

Writing Goal For the Coming Week: Continuing with a goal of 1,000 words a day at least 4 days a week.  I’d love for more, but this seems doable. 
What about you? What are your goals for the week? Anything particularly work — OR not work– this week?