I found a group of bloggers who are in the same NaNoWriMo boat as me–currently in the middle of a WIP and not wanting to abandon it to join the month long writing fest with a new project. Sara McClung at Babbling Flow has started a group called NaNoWraMo (National Novel Wrap-Up Month)! If you are interested in joining the fun, head over to her blog and let her know. She is organizing an email support group, which is kicking off next week.
I am on Day Three of “Butt In Seat, Knocking This Thing Out to Finish Strong by November 28th,” and it is going really well. I wrote in two shifts yesterday and completed just over 2,000 words. I’m right on schedule. Fingers crossed!
Now, onto this week’s stats:
Current Word Count: 37,975! With the Halloween hoopla to come this week, including two days of trick or treating, I’ve only scheduled three more scenes for this week. But I’m at a fun part of the story and eager to get the words out.
Little Hints: Canon EOS Rebel
Soundtrack Song of the Week: Crush by the Cast of Glee. I can’t find where they actually performed it, but this is a fun fan-made montage video showing all of Rachel Berry’s antics. I LOVE this song and think the Glee version is actually better than the original by Jennifer Paige. (As always, email subscribers click through on the link to watch it on my blog since it doesn’t want to include itself in emails, grr
Writing or Editing Trick Used This Week That Worked Particularly Well:Really pondering what the character’s feelings and motivations are for the particular scene. Yea, no duh, right? Well what I found is that while what I assumed they felt for a few scenes definitely worked, if I really climbed inside them and hung around in their mind for awhile, the feelings changed. It didn’t change my outline really, I just approached the scene from a different angle–and it felt much more authentic.
Personal High: Meeting my personal writing goal of 1,000 words on average for every writing day this past week! Also reworking my opening scene and finally breaking through a wall.
Personal Low: The overwhelming feeling of going back to revise now that I am really in the zone and finding each characters voice. I have done the first two scenes and they sound so much better now that I really get the way it should be written, but the whole thing seems daunting. A fellow writer on Twitter said the other day that revising is kinda like fitting a square peg in a round hole–you already have the words down and now have to alter them, which is so much harder than writing fresh.
Writing Goal For the Coming Week: By next Wednesday’s update, I want to have 7 more scenes completed.
What about you? What are your goals for the week? Anything particularly work — OR not work– this week?