Truthful Tuesday: Inspiration Overload

Posted by rachelha in Writing Life / 10 Comments

Is it possible to be overloaded with inspiration? 

Right now, I am thinking it is.  I have so many ideas going through my mind in ways to improve my work in progress, tighten and enhance the story, all gathered from my reading in the last 12 hours, that I almost don’t know where to begin!

See, my mornings are spent reading blog posts about writing from my favorite authors and agents listed here on my blog (see the evergrowing lists on both sides), along with shared links on Twitter.  With Nano at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts, the past two days have generated amazing posts on the writing process, story structure, query letters, finding agents, characterization, plotting, editing, revising, adding elements to your story, etc;  This morning was no exception!

My evenings are sometimes spent reading novels filled with inspiration of another source.  Books that embody all the techniques discussed in the blog posts.  This month, I feared I wouldn’t be able to read quite as much as I was before, but I’ve decided to make the time to read at least one book a week, despite the chaotic writing schedule.  Why?  Because I did last night and am swimming with inspiration! 

Last night, my wonderful mother who lives in the house behind us (behind the gate connecting our two homes which enable my girls to run back and forth–SUCH A BLESSING!), dropped off some library books for me.  My husband and I are in year 3 or so of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace plan and decided to go down to one vehicle a couple years ago, which he takes to work during the day unless I bring him (but that would require getting both girls and myself awake, dressed, fed and ready by 7:30.  Doesn’t happen often.  Sleep is one of the beautiful benefits of homeschooling).  So my mom, who works near the library, was kind enough to swing by for me. 

Around 8:00, after putting the girls down, my husband drew me a bubble bath and I immersed myself in The Season by Sarah MacLean, one of the shiny new library books.  The plan was to read a few chapters and then go to sleep so I can be well-rested for a day full of writing. 

That didn’t happen. 

What did happen is that I fell in love Regency England all over again, and the beautiful story crafted by Ms. MacLean filled with ROMANCE and suspense, staying up until 3 am to finish the story.  I will do a full review on Thursday but let me just say now, I LOVE THIS AUTHOR!!!  And, more importantly, I am so inspired now in regards to the romance in my own story, and have lots of ideas in how to make it even stronger.  That is what great fiction does!!

So, now I am off to try to channel all the energy and inspiration into my own writing.  I will leave you with my favorite gems from this mornings blog-hop-of-inspiration.  Hopefully you will find a new writer or blog, and even better, will be inspired yourself!

  • Shannon Whitney Messenger gets real about worry and the writer with Can We Be Honest for a Second?   
  • Teralynn Childs also writes on Fear in Writing in regards to her current work in progress.  Loved this!
  • Lisa Schroeder guest blogs at A Crowe’s Nest about how important an agents love for your work really is at What’s Love Got To Do With It?
  • Adorable post at guide to Literary Agents on how Corrine Jackson first reached out for valuable query advice, then twitter-stalked Laura Bradford and got an offer of representation.  After reading this post, I fell in love with both writer and agent! 
  • Follow up post on above, Corrine Jackson’s before and after query after getting advice.  Great post!
  • Great beginning to a new blog series on Story Structure at Warrior Writers. 
  • Learn how to Be a better BETA at Write-Brained.
  • Katie Ganshert has a great post to get you thinking about Writing Your Story Premise.
  • Finally, Misadventures in Candyland brings a post about Bringing Surprise to your writing, including a sigh worthy romantic proposal. 

Happy Writing!!