The Friday Five

Posted by rachelha in Friday Five / 2 Comments

It is March. Is it just me, or is this year flying by? It seems like I was just celebrating New Year’s! The definite up side is the nicer weather. This is the time of year when the girls can play outside during the day and I don’t have to worry about heatstroke. I love Spring 🙂

Now for this week’s Friday Five:

  1. Date night tonight this weekend is going to be going to the movies to see Beastly! Ever since I saw the preview for this, I have been dying to see it. I have the e-book, and I do like the retelling quite a bit, but I also love the Hollywood take on the Beast not being covered with fur, but tats and piercings, and basically still looking human, just drastically different then the pretty boy he once was. I think this leaves lots of room for character exploration and puts it in a different light. Very excited to see this one!
  2. I have lots of great new books to read, and I have been reading the beginning chapters of several to decide which to go with next, but last night I found my winner. Where I Belong by Gwendolyn Heasley is the perfect read for me right now. Snarky character that you know is going to go through tremendous growth, surrounded by fun, good, characters. The premise is unique and I am just really loving this story. Unfortunately, as much as I tried to stay up all night reading, my eyes wouldn’t let me. But I will have this one finished today I am sure.
  3. My six-year-old daughter Jordan has gotten the writing bug big time. She wants to be published, so she is compiling a list of poems . . . and they are actually quite good. After we have them together and polished, we may try the new Barnes and Noble Pubit! route for her. But I just loving being able to feed this passion and creativity with her.
  4. I am processing all that I learned at last week’s DFW Writer’s Conference and putting it into my new Work in Progress. I have the first Act written and was poised to move forward, but I am pulling back to work more on my plot and character arc to really make it the best it can be before moving forward. I love conferences! SO much knowledge and inspiration gained last weekend! Now the key for me is to not get frozen in trying to apply it all and still get my first draft done.
  5. The Pilgrims have landed in our homeschool this week! Feel free to hop on over to our homeschool blog, Keep the Way, to follow our week’s journey.

How about you? Any wonderful plans this weekend? What are you reading now?

Have a great weekend! Happy Writing!