We’re going back in time today, y’all. Back to the scary days of crowded hallways and cafeterias, unrequited love, biology tests, and mega drama.
Otherwise known as high school.
As you guys may know, I have this awesome group called the FLIRT SQUAD. I’m serious, these people rock! They’re my street team, helping spread the word about My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, and are earning tons of prizes while doing it….but one of my favorite parts of the squad is that each month we ALSO help promote/support another YA Author.
This month, we’re learning all about Cindi Madsen and her debut Demons of the Sun. We’re super close to having a grand prize winner (by the time this post goes live, we may have one), but other prizes are still up for grabs. Check out the Flirt Squad page up top on the menu bar for more info!
To earn points for both challenge, squad members have been doing various tasks, and today marks the First Official Flirt Squad Challenge Question.
(That should’ve been imagined with a loud, booming radio announcer type voice)
(If you didn’t hear it right, re-read it with said booming voice. It really makes a difference.)
Our girl Cindi has answered the Challenge Question as part of her Exclusive Interview over on the Flirt Squad page, and I’m here answering it, too!
If you’re part of the squad, you can earn 25 points for posting your reply on your own blog, Facebook page, or some other public medium, and either leaving the link in the comments or tweeting it to me at @RachelHarrisYA. If you have any questions, hit me up at FlirtSquad@gmail.com.
Our authors will be answering a different question each month, all of which hint at something Flirty, and the question for the month of August is:
What is the silliest/most embarrassing/craziest thing you ever did to get someone’s attention?
Here’s my response:
Honestly, I did all kinds of crazy things for the guys I thought I was in love with or crushed on. I wrote epically bad poetry, rambled on about them in my diary, found pop songs that reminded me of them and played them over and over…and over again.
But the most embarrassing to admit?
I kinda stalked them. Like, not scary with an ice pick stalking, but just driving past their house sometimes, or all of a sudden developing this huge interest in wherever they worked.
When one of those places ended up being a fancy type shoe store for men, my stalking kinda hit a snag. But it was not unheard of for me to drive thirty minutes out of my way to order a muffuletta from a crush.
And if you don’t know what a muffuletta is, well, one, you aren’t from New Orleans, and two, you don’t know what you’re missing.
So there you have it. I stalk for love. Edward Cullen had nothing on me, people =)
What about YOU??? Be sure to head over to read Cindi’s answer HERE, and then let me know your answer. And if you’re not a squad member, just let me know here =)
Please tell me I’m not the only one who did anything crazy…… he he