I’ve been holding onto this bit of good news for almost two months, and I’m sooo excited to finally share it with the world. Like, not just excited, thrilled. Imagine me tap dancing, working the jazz hands, with a big old cheesy, mega-watt smile on my face.
My baby is going to be published!!!!!!
Some of you may be saying, “Um, Rachel? Wasn’t your baby published a couple months ago?” And you’re right. My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century is my first baby to leave the nest and go out into the world, and I couldn’t be more proud of it. But it wasn’t the first book I ever wrote. It was the second.
In the summer of 2010, after reading the Twilight series, oh, about a bazillion times (okay, probably more like 4 times), I decided I wanted to try this writing thing. I sat down and wrote a story of my heart, dealing with self-esteem issues (if you read my Dear Teen Me letter, you know how important this topic is to me), friendship, first love, and the many, many, many humorous missteps one can take (or at least I took) when you’re a teenager struggling with your identity.
2nd Type of Girl is a YA Contemporary Romance told in dual character POV, and I absolutely love it. And, even better, the awesome peeps at Spencer Hill Contemporary have also given me a chance to expand on it!
First, here’s the announcement that went to Publisher’s Marketplace:
*Throws Confetti*
Actually, it is a THREE-book deal, and the publisher has sent the update to PM, but I couldn’t wait that long to share the news LOL.
Book 2 will be a spin-off, companion novel focusing on a character that everyone who has read 2nd Type of Girl–me included–has fallen in love with. It’s also a YA Contemporary Romance and I am SOOOO excited to start writing this one! My fingers took over when I was writing out the proposal and when I saw the storyline idea, my jaw just about hit the keyboard! So different from what I’ve done before, but it’s an important story that needs to be told and I’m already in love with the characters.
Book 3 is an unrelated book, but one that I’m stoked about–a YA Christmas Romance! I love Christmas, y’all. Thanksgiving and Christmas pretty much duke it out in my head for the title of Rachel’s Favorite Holiday, but the whole holiday season just makes me happy. And romances around this time make me positively giddy! When my awesome sauce editor Patricia Riley asked if I’d be interested in writing one, I jumped at the chance and haven’t been able to stop thinking about the storyline ever since. This one is going to be a TON of fun 🙂
So there you have it….the reason I’ve been dancing around the house, singing songs about muffins. Actually, truth be told, I probably would’ve done that anyway–because I’m just odd–BUT Spencer Hill Contemporary definitely added a new bounce to my step and a happy shimmy to the moves (he he)
Your turn: What has added a happy shimmy to your moves lately? A fabulous Thanksgiving feast? Kick-butt finds during Black Friday shopping? Nano project going well? Share with me!