Four More Days.
Only Four More Days until Alessandra and Austin make their splash in the world.
And I’m so stinking excited!!!
This week, I began drafting My Not So Super Sweet Life, book three in the series which will be released digitally this winter. It’s so much fun spending more time with these characters…and a bit sad, because I know this will probably be good bye. At least for now… (*wink*)
The tour is still going strong, and I’d like to highlight two stops today:
- Jenna Does Books has a fun interview where you learn who I consider to be my FLIRTIEST character and enter the HUGE blog tour giveaway
- And Deadly Destinations has a fun stop with Alessandra D’Angeli’s Tips for Traveling into the Future. This event features tons of authors and books, and is a lot of fun…and they are giving away a copy of A Tale of Two Centuries!!
Now, to end the week of talking about dreams and passions, I’m turning it over again to the fabulous girls of my street team, because honestly? Their responses have me in a big ball of weepy, sentimental, inspired mush 😉
- Saleana Carneiro posted this gorgeous painting she created inspired by A Tale of Two
Centuries, saying, “It’s lightness, it’s darkness, it’s a little bit of something else. It’s Less. It’s passion thrown in the mix. It’s abstract because, like theater it is what YOU make of it. So, that’s my passion – painting and letting the viewer bring what they will to it. My canvas may be colored, but it’s still blank – it’s still waiting for what YOU add to it.” As a woman who can’t paint…or draw a straight line…this amazes me. Beautiful job, girl!
- Inspired by Hannah’s dreams in my blog post yesterday, Inspired By My Readers, Maliha shared a touching, heartfelt post about her heart for the poor and her dreams of one day making a difference in Passion #2
- Book Junkie: Not So Anonymous does a fun collage AND writing piece on her dreams of publishing, teaching, and travel, saying, “It truly is never to late to become who you want to be.” LOVE THAT!!
- I couldn’t NOT smile at this awesome post on our Flirt Squad page by a younger member: “I am a dreamer, ever since I was in kindergarten I believed in magic. When I was younger, my friend and I would pretend to be in so many different dreams and stories and for that whatever amount of time, I felt like I could be anything. And I still believe, even though I’m growing older, entering middle school and my parents don’t like the fact that I’m immersed in my fairy tales too much. And I know that someday I’ll have to get my head out of the clouds a bit more, as much as I hate that fact, but for now I’ll just keep being ditsy old me. I still believe in magic, miracles, fantasy, and the dream that anything can happen. It only matters how young you feel.” <– Ain’t that the truth?? 😉
- Ali at Dazzled by Books shares her publishing hopes and dreams, along with a favorite excerpt from A TALE OF TWO CENTURIES!
Have a wonderful weekend, y’all!