Prepare yourselves, y’all. The below teaser may just blow your mind.
And steam up your screen.
And yet, while it is unbelievably hot, it is also so stinking pretty!! I think it’s the purple. As you know, it’s my signature color 😉
ARCs of SEVEN DAY FIANCE started going out this past weekend…eep! I swear to you, it never gets easier. I’m so proud of this book and love it to death, and I just sit there chewing off my fingernails, hoping that readers will love it, too. So far, the response has been fabulous, and I’m so glad to see my Cajun princess and her bad boy prince finding an audience.
I hope you enjoy this early look at Cane and Angelle’s story. I must admit, it’s my favorite book I’ve written so far. Look for Seven Day Fiance October 14th…that’s only three weeks, guys! *dances*