Motivated Monday

18 Oct
Motivated Monday

I am in the middle of a poignant, emotional turning point in my work in progress and am currently motivated and inspired to keep writing–which is the point of the whole journey, right? 🙂 But I did want to leave you with some motivation of your own.  Every month I open a new word document […]

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WIP Wednesday: Flexibility

13 Oct
WIP Wednesday: Flexibility

Flexibility.  Sometimes I embody the word.  Sometimes I fight it tooth and nail.  I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find I’m leaning more towards the first when it comes to my current Work In Progress, and am so grateful.  See, I am working from a 58 page outline.  Some scenes are sketched out in very specific detail, […]

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WIP Wednesday: For the Love of Setting

06 Oct
WIP Wednesday: For the Love of Setting

Confession:  I love to read, but when I come across huge paragraphs that are nothing but setting description, I tend to scan over them.  Occasionally, I’ll go back and reread it because I feel guilty–the author took time in describing all those details for a reason and I feel bad for skimming over them–but they tend […]

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WIP Wednesday: Finding what works . . . and doesn’t

29 Sep
WIP Wednesday:  Finding what works . . . and doesn’t

Goals are great things, right? The best part? They’re self-imposed and can change 🙂 Instead of moving ahead with my manuscript and working on those 3 scenes like I wanted, I’ve been preparing my first 7000 words for the Emily contest (deadline is next week). I got my CP’s comments back and eagerly began incorporating […]

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WIP Wednesday: Into Act 2

22 Sep
WIP Wednesday: Into Act 2

I should explain about my goal for last week. I said I wanted to write 4 chapters. My mom quickly emailed and said I was definitely aiming high. That did seem like a lot. However, the way my story is set up, a chapter is a day, and a day could have anywhere from one […]

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WIP Wednesday: Over the Hump

15 Sep
WIP Wednesday: Over the Hump

Last week, I shared my goals of getting through revisions and writing two more chapters. Well I did complete revisions on the first 1/3 of my contemporary YA romance, and did a lot of work with my outline. I thought that is all I would have to say but I just finished writing another chapter!! […]

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WIP Wednesdays: The Beauty of Critique Partners

08 Sep
WIP Wednesdays: The Beauty of Critique Partners

My current WIP (work in progress) is a contemporary YA romance set in Texas. I started working on the outline and characters in July and began active writing in the beginning of August. Current Word Count: ahh, the beauty of editing and revising! This time last week it was 20,000. As of this moment, it […]

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